The final result is the published SSC JE exam and now it going to Document the verification of successful candidates. If you have successfully passed all the previous tests then you have to verify your document. On the official website, DC admit card was uploaded. You have to visit the official website and then log in to your account to download the SSC JE Admit card for document verification.
Table of Contents
SSC JE Admit card for DC
We hope that you can remember that the official notification was published in 2020 and the Computer-based test was taken in March 2021. And the paper-II was a written test and that is taken on 26th September 2021. Now it going to verify the document of successful candidates. If you are one of them then do the following steps.
How to download SSC JE Admit Card?
First of all, you have to visit the official website of your region. And then you can find the link for admit card download of Junior engineers recruitment. If you don’t know your exact region or website then open the following two portals to get your hall ticket.
- For the Central Region: → Click Here
- All other regions: → Click Here
We hope that you got the required information related to this Document Verification of Staff Selection Commissions. By downloading your hall ticket you could know the exam date and venue of your verification. We also hope you will present your document properly. And your bright future comming soon. You could also check the following jobs updates which we recently provided.